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5 quirky coffee houses to visit in Reykjavik

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22/04/2024 14:04

In Iceland, visiting a coffee house, or 'Kaffihús', is more than a pastime—it's a cherished tradition. Icelanders delight in discovering inventive new ways to savor their coffee and tea. Whether you're looking to spark your creativity or simply share a laugh, Reykjavik's city center offers a vibrant selection of quirky coffee houses. Here are five unique spots that promise to enrich your experience and perhaps even surprise you.


Do you have some time to spare in Reykjavik and want to tap into your creative side? Noztra is your go-to spot. This charming café not only serves up delicious coffee but also offers a unique artistic experience. Visitors can choose from a variety of clay items—from small chicken figurines to large serving plates—and paint them to their heart's content. After you've finished, Noztra will fire your creation in their kiln, ready for you to take home as a one-of-a-kind souvenir. The café itself is bright and airy, boasting stunning views of Reykjavik harbor and the majestic mountains beyond. As you paint, you can select from a wide range of glazes, including vibrant colors, speckled dots, and shimmering finishes. To join in the fun, simply book your two-hour slot in advance. Keep in mind that painted items require at least four days to be ready. If you're leaving sooner, Noztra can ship your item to your address, although it's worth noting that fragile items are at risk of breaking during transit. Alternatively, you can transport the unpainted piece and arrange for firing locally, or ask your hotel's front desk at Center Hotels, to assist with shipping arrangements. Enjoy a memorable and creative pause in your Icelandic adventure at Noztra!

The Laundromat café

Laundromat Café is the perfect blend of comfort and convenience, especially if you're a fan of breakfast at any hour. With its cozy, warm decor and a funky retro vibe, this spot makes you feel right at home. The café offers a delectable all-day breakfast menu and a diverse selection of other culinary delights, ensuring there's something to satisfy every palate. But what truly sets Laundromat apart is its quirky twist: a fully functional laundry room in the basement. So, if you have laundry to tackle, bring it along! You can enjoy a delicious meal or sip on a coffee upstairs while your clothes wash downstairs. Laundry detergent is conveniently available for purchase at the bar, making this café a must-visit for both your taste buds and your laundry needs.

The phallic café

Looking for a laugh and maybe a bit of education? Swing by the Penis Museum, where you can get up close and personal with everything you ever wanted to know about this specific part of the male anatomy. After you’ve had your fill of fascinating sights in all shapes and sizes from a varied range of the animal kingdom , why not swing by the museum’s café for a cheeky treat? They serve up penis-shaped waffles that are as fun as they sound, served with all sorts of toppings. For a real Icelandic twist, try the homemade rhubarb jam and rjómi (that’s cream) topping—That's the traditional way to eat waffles here. Also you don’t need to tour the museum to dig into these waffles. Just pop in to dodge the chilly Icelandic winds and enjoy some anytime during opening hours.

Kattakaffihúsið (The cat café)

Missing your furry friend back home or just craving some feline company? Head over to the Cat Café! This snug little spot doesn't just serve up awesome coffee; they've also got a great selection of local teas and delicious homemade treats. But the real stars here are the cats! You’ll find them lounging around in all their glory, snoozing or grooming without a care in the world about the human guests admiring them. Remember, you’re in their territory! All the cats at the café are rescues looking for their forever homes. So, if you happen to fall for one of these charming creatures, you might just have the chance to take them home with you—just fill out an adoption application. The café's pastel pink walls and cozy vibe make it the perfect place to chill. As long as you respect the rules, feel free to pet the cats—if they’re up for it, of course!

Perlan restaurant and café

For some of the best views in Reykjavik, make your way to Perlan restaurant and café . Perched atop the city’s highest hill, this striking building, often likened to a giant disco ball, is easily accessible by car, bus, taxi, bike, or on foot. Inside, you'll find not only a café with a breathtaking 360-degree panoramic view of the capital area but also a captivating natural history museum. Dive into the wonders of Iceland's nature and environment, marvel at the Northern Lights, explore the diversity of Icelandic wildlife, or wander through the museum’s very own ice cave. After soaking up some knowledge, head up to the top floor for a coffee with a view like no other. Don’t miss stepping out onto the balcony one floor below to truly take in the vistas that surround Perlan.

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